My coverage of the Pussy Church for Modern Witchcraft provoked some strong reactions. Not surprisingly, they mostly had nothing to do with why I was discussing the organization on a tax blog. They were mainly about my brief introductory explanation of the context of the ongoing conflict that it appears Pussy Church is addressing.
@peterreillycpa you'd really benefit from reading some radical feminist literature but I think if you managed to send out a round of inquiries for statements about a pussy church without realizing YOU DIDN'T ASK ANY WOMEN, you just may be too far gone đ
So I hesitate to mention this, since it might make me looking even lamer but I have been reading radical feminist literature for over six years. Included in the piece was a link to the most recent book I had read (Mostly. It was a collection and some of the pieces I did not get well enough to finish. Others were great.).
And as it happens, accepting even the radfem definition of woman, I had asked a woman. She just preferred not to be identified. And for the purposes of that particular piece I was only interested in what someone involved in Pussy Church had to say about what Pussy Church was about, not what other gender critical feminists might infer what it was about.
Regardless kthln m°y inspired the project that this post on a blog with a smaller readership and looser editorial guidelines is a report on it. I put out in a couple of ways the following question:
If someone just discovered the dispute between gender critical radical feminists and advocates for the trans community. What is the very first thing he or she should read to begin getting educated? Asking for a friend.
Here are the results SO FAR in the order that I have received them. I will indicate whether I have read them in full or not (listened to a recording counts) and rate them on how well I think somebody new to the issue would understand them and general relevance. Rating is 1 to 10. 10 being - I think somebody with no background in the matter would understand this piece and it is relevant. 5 being - relevant understandable material but probably not where to start. 1 - What were you thinking when you suggested this as relevant entry level material?
The rating has nothing to do with whether I agree with the piece or not. Also I might rate a piece I think is quite good lower because I think someone fresh might have a problem understanding it. For example if "cis" is included without being defined or Sheila Jeffreys is mentioned in a way that implies she is a household name, points are lost. Also pieces that only explain a particular aspect of the controversy without giving the overall context lose points. I have rated a couple of things I did not finish, but I dug far enough to get a good sense of their content.
One of the advantages of this venue is that comments are allowed. I apologize in advance to anyone who sent me something that I failed to include here and will fix it asap.
Pieces I Have Found On My Own (With some curation)
What I believe about sex and gender (and what I don't) by Kathleen Stock - Read in full - 11
I've decided that regardless of how many pieces are on the list there will only be one that is an eleven. In this piece Kathleen Stock identifies many of the elements in the debate rather thoughtfully.
Sheila Jeffreys - Wikipedia entry - 8
With some exceptions most pieces will at least implicitly include something like:
The science is settled. Any far minded person who has the true facts and is not blinded by the propaganda put out by the -------------------- will agree with us.
If the piece does not also implicitly include
The arguments put forth by ----------------- and their allies are so ridiculous and hateful that they don't bear repeating
I still might give it a high score
The key factor though is the assumption that the reader is starting from zero. And of course a piece like that might be rated very low for other purposes.
Remember what I am looking for is something that allows someone to grasp that there is a controversy and how it can be framed. Earlier this year I attempted this sort of thing with a pretty arcane topic that has some general interest - The Tax Cuts And Jobs Act - Here it is.
An advantage of this site is that it allows comments. I really don't have any restrictions more of an aspirational standard which I explained when we had comments on Some people can probably come up with something nasty enough to merit deletion. We'll see.
What I would most appreciate is additions to the list. As I noted above if something somebody sent me is left off, it was by accident and easy to fix.
Peter J Reilly writes on taxes for Almost anything you can think of will have a tax angle eventually, so he sometimes find himself in unrelated arguments.
So this will be a longish introduction to a really long piece. I will start with the disclaimer that the views expressed by Johnny Cirucci (below the dotted line) are not the views of Peter J Reilly or Your Tax Matters Partner. There is stuff down there I agree with, but most of it I see as batshit crazy and some of it as arguably hateful. And I am growing very fond of Johnny Cirucci, because it is possible in the alt-right conspiracy bubble, which the woes of Kent Hovind introduced me to, Johnny is sui generis. Possibly somewhat exaggerating his underlying views, it seems like he think he and three or four other guys actually get it and the rest of them are either dupes or controlled opposition, a few of whom have been "read in" and are getting the bennies. The tax protest movement always kind of mystified me, because their legal arguments were so lame and they always lost in court (except in a few willfulness cases, where people convinced a jury they were too stupid to understand they were breaking the tax law, thereby avoiding criminal, but not civil, liability). I finally realized that their arguments implied a large conspiracy involving pretty much everybody involved in the federal government except for maybe a couple of park rangers and the leadership of the E-4 mafia. And observing the Hovindicators I noted that they chomped on conspiracy theories like they were Lays Potato Chips. Oddly a few of them seemed kind of quaint as when God's Property Radio called me a Jesuit and Rudy Davis talked about how they operate in the open unlike the Jesuits. I really like Rudy Davis and I know him well enough to feel comfortable that when I say that he is a redneck, he will take it as a compliment. Ernie Land, Kent Hovinds consigliere, also has some redneck sensibilities as does Dominating Deborah who recently posted here. Kent Hovind, himself, is kind of a redneck wanabee.
There is a special fondness between rednecks and white urban ethnics memorialized in the bromance between Montgomery Clift and Frank Sinatra in From Here To Eternity.
But we are different tribes. Johnny Cirucci and me, that is something different. Even though I am 100% Irish descent, I am kind of Italian by association from growing up in Fairview NJ. And Johnny is a Jersey boy. When rednecks talk about Jesuits and the Pope, it is kind of amusing. If they ever heard of transubstantiation, they think it has something to do with auto repair. Johnny has the background and education though. And Johnny buys conspiracy theories by the bushel, Nonetheless, he has an overarching theory that makes it all fit together. It is the Vatican that is pulling the strings and at least for the last 500 years it is the Jesuits that you will find lurking in every corner. Just for an example. Take Donald Trump. Wharton graduate right? Yes, but two years at Fordham University starting out. And of course your typical redneck thinks that Fordham is dinner at the diner next to the dealership and can't see the Jesuit connection so obvious to a Jersey boy. At any rate, I asked Johnny to write about Kent Hovind and he gave me a lot more than I asked for. I think his biggest weakness as a writer is that he spends too much time on tangential support for his positions, but de gustibus non est disputandum. Oddly enough Johnny and I have a pretty consistent evaluation of Kent Hovind, but you will have to skip down quite a bit to get to his take on Hovind. It is worth reading the whole thing, but try not to get to bewildered and don't even attempt to go down all the rabbit holes. Johnny's technique might be compared to the Gish Gallop, although I am sure he looks at it differently. Any way, here you go. - PJR -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How âStormy Danielsâ and Kent Hovind brought a conspiracy
theorist and Forbes CPA together.
by Johnny Cirucci
Pay your taxes!
If youâre a Johnny Cirucci fan (one of his âflying
monkeysâ), Iâll bet you were surprised to see him write that.
If youâre a Peter J. Reilly fan, Iâll bet youâre asking,
âWho the heck is âJohnny Cirucciâ?!â
About Johnny Cirucci
I ran across Peter about three years ago.I had just published my first book,IlluminatiUnmasked, and had begun doing interviews.
Invariably, the subject of Kent Hovind would come up.
Kent was slated for possible release from prison but the
hearing didnât look hopeful.He was a
hot topic for âalternativeâ Christian media at the time.
As a Jesuit-educated writer for Forbes, I considered Peter
one of âthemâ and avoided corresponding with him.
But Peter is an interesting guy.While I tend to be an excitable Italian and
former Catholic, he remains an unflappable Irishman and, he assures me, a former
Catholic.He recently
related his first experience in a Protestant Church to the current troubles
the Trump Foundation is having paying taxes in the state of New York.
It wouldnât be the first time a wily Jesuit had gone
Although I write that tongue-in-cheek, I firmly believe that
such was the case for a host of prominent people from the Jesuit-educated
critic of Christianity, François-Marie âVoltaireâ Arouet to the âformerâ late
Jesuit priest Malachi Martin.
The Jesuits are the ultimate order in service to the Papacy
and itâs a tough sell to present the idea that a Catholic priest wants to
serve...but not that much.
Martinâs book, The
Jesuits, sits well-highlited and noted upon my shelf.My summary would be, âThe Jesuits used
to be a great bunch of guys but then they turned a bad corner and went
By the way, thatâs not hyperbole.
Though the movement has been global
since its inception, it was above all in Latin America that the strange
alliance between Jesuits and Marxists gathered its first practical momentum.It was there that this new Jesuit mission,
entailing as it does nothing less than the transformation of the sociopolitical
face of the West, first entangled lives far more profoundly than McGovern and
theoreticians like him anticipated.Quickly,
scores of Jesuits began to work with the passion and zeal that has always been
so typical of them, for the success of the Sandinocommunists in Nicaragua; and,
when the Sandinistas took power, those same Jesuits entered crucial posts in
the central government, and attracted others to join at various regional levels.In other Central American countries,
meanwhile, Jesuits not only participated in guerrilla training of Marxist
cadres, but some became guerrilla fighters themselves.Inspired by the idealism they saw in
Liberation Theology, and encouraged by the independence inherent in the new
idea of the Church as a group of autonomous communities, Jesuits found that all
was permitted-even encouraged-as long as it furthered the concept of the new
âpeopleâs Church.â
Such men were the dream and ideal
of the true Liberation Theologians.For
they were the fighters, the cadres who took Liberation Theology from theory to
what they called praxis-the implementation of the peopleâs revolution
for economic and political liberation.From
that praxis, the Liberation Theologians insisted, from âbelow among the
people,â would come all true theology to replace the old theology once imposed
autocratically âfrom aboveâ by the hierarchy of the Roman Church. ~ The
Jesuits, Malachi Martin, Simon & Schuster (1987), pp. 17-18
Apparently, the Jesuits havenât returned from their hard
Left turn.Another âex-Jesuitâ, Greg
Galluzzo, trained Barack Obama in Chicago âcommunity organizingâ.
The Catholic periodical âOur
Sunday Visitorâ lists Chicago one of the âTop 10 Catholic Communitiesâ and
even takes note of its ... âethnic diversityâ (code for racial unrest
generously encouraged by Rome).
Chicagoâs Catholic heart is based
in its ethnic diversity.
As the Windy City became
industrialized in the mid-19th century, immigrants from Southern and Eastern
Europe flocked to Chicago â joining the already present Irish and Germans â to
become part of its workforce. Ethnic communities naturally formed, and ethnic
Catholic parishes naturally followed. Today, more than 350 Catholic churches
remain, many built in impressive European style.
It has
been rumored that, once a Jesuit proves themselves truly dedicated to Rome,
they are invited to take a âBlood Oathâ in which they swear to have no will of
their own, âperinde ac cadaverâ, to be as a dead man in the strictest
obedience to the Pope.
This âFourth Vowâ is said to have sold Alessandro Farnese8âPope
Paul IIIâon consecrating the new order for Spanish nobleman Ignacio LĂłpez
(later known as Ignatius of Loyola).
After a serious injury in the military
and during a lengthy rehabilitation, Ignatius Loyola (b. 1491, d. 1556) turned his
focus from âmilitary enthusiasm to ghostly fanaticism.(2)Ignatius assumed the name and office of Knight of the Virgin Mary,
seeing himself as Maryâs favorite.Ignatius wanted to start a new order, The Society of Jesus (or the Jesuits)
and presented the idea to the Pope.He told
the Pope that the idea had been inspired by heavenly revelations.At first, the Pope hesitated, but when Ignatius added a fourth vow (in
addition to the regular poverty, chastity, and obedience), âabsolute
subservience to the pope,â promising to do whatever the Pope wanted and go
wherever he wanted, the Pope agreed and sent the new order out to âinvade the
world.âWhile other monks of other
orders sought to separate themselves from the world, the Jesuits went out into the
world and obeyed whatever command the Pope gave.Often this was to win the world with the sword.No violent act was withheld if the order came
from their top âgeneral.â(3) ~ The Jesuit Agenda
and the Evangelical/Protestant Church, Roger Oakland,
Understand the Times/Lighthouse Trails Special Report
But now, a Jesuit is the Pope.âAnd it raised more than one eyebrow to see
that the vacancy provided for Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio was the
resignation of Pope Benedict; an event that had not occurred in
the previous 600 years.It wouldnât
be the first time the Jesuits were accused of mafioso skullduggery.
Bergoglio, himself, has a murky past, hidden behind
Argentinaâs âDirty Warâ.A series of
corrupt military dictatorships purged Argentina of their political enemies
under the guise of âanti-Communismâ.
Many of the victims were held for
months in official institutions, where they were repeatedly tortured before
being killed, their bodies âdisappeared.â Justifying the purge, which was spoken about
euphemistically but carried out in secrecy, the Argentine military espoused a
brand of anti-Communist ferocity that echoed Francoâs Fascist witch hunt, which
had previously devastated Republican Spain â a brand of ferocity that also
shared his deeply entrenched ultra-Catholic and anti-Semitic views. ~ The
New Yorker
Itâs hard to imagine worse than Inquisition torture but
Franco managed it: child trafficking.
For Whom The Bell Tolls
In Spain, hundreds of thousands of
babies were stolen from their parents and trafficked by the Fascist government
of Francisco Franco via the Catholic Church.
Up to 300,000 Spanish babies
were stolen from their parents and sold for adoption over a period of five
decades, a new investigation reveals.
The children were trafficked by
a secret network of doctors, nurses, priests and nuns in a widespread practice
that began during General Francoâs dictatorship and continued until the early
Nineties. ...
Several mothers say they were
told their first-born children had died during or soon after they gave birth.
But the women, often young and
unmarried, were told they could not see the body of the infant or attend their
In reality, the babies were
Official documents were forged
so the adoptive parentsâ names were on the infantsâ birth certificates. ...
Journalist Katya Adler, who has
investigated the scandal, says: âThe situation is incredibly sad for thousands
of people.â
âThere are men and women across
Spain whose lives have been turned upside-down by discovering the people they
thought were their parents actually bought them for cash. There are also many mothers who have
maintained for years that their babies did not die â and were labelled
âhystericalâ â but are now discovering that their child has probably been alive
and brought up by somebody else all this time.â
Experts believe the cases may
account for up to 15 per cent of the total adoptions that took place in Spain between
1960 and 1989.
It began as a system for taking
children away from families deemed politically dangerous to the regime of
General Franco, which began in 1939. The
system continued after the dictatorâs death in 1975 as the Catholic church
continued to retain a powerful influence on public life, particularly in social
services. ~ Daily Mail83
What made the scheme easy to
accomplish was that the Catholic Church ran schools, orphanages and hospitals,
and still does (even in âProtestantâ countries like America).
In Fascist Spain, however, the
power of the Catholic Church was as blatant and all-encompassing as it is in
On April 1, 1939, GeneralĂsimo
Francisco Franco, crusading leader of the rebellious Nationalist forces,
triumphantly declared the Spanish Civil War over. The Catholic Church was the institution that
most benefitted from Francoâs victory. Its hierarchy had blessed the
Nationalist uprising as a crusade and had justified the war to the world as an
âarmed plebiscite.â Now it reaped
the reward. Franco quickly abolished all
those Republican** measures that had undermined the Churchâs spiritual and
social roles, and entrusted it with more power and privilege than it had
enjoyed since the 18th century.
For the Church, the privileges
constituted a spiritual âreconquistaâ complementing the political âreconquistaâ
enjoyed by Franco and his Nationalists. What
the political âreconquistaâ meant was the return to Castilian centralism and
the elimination of other ideologies. The
âreconquistaâ for the Church signified Catholic monopoly over the life of all
Spaniards, a vital privilege if society was to be âre-Catholicisedâ. This âre-Catholicisationâ was not an easy
undertaking keeping in mind that, in supporting the Nationalists during the
War, the Church had alienated a large percentage of the population. ...
For Cardinal GomĂĄ, primate of
Spain, the only way was to impose âdivine totalitarianismâ, i.e. the
imposition of Catholic values on all Spanish society. Franco was only too glad
to help.
The privileged status of the
Church was granted immediately following the Civil War. A little later âin June
1941â its rights were outlined in an Agreement between the Vatican and the
Franco government, and finally formalised in a Concordat signed in August,
1953. Amongst the provisions were:
1. recognition of Catholicism
as the official religion of the country;
2. Mandatory religious instruction at all educational levels in conformity with
Catholic dogma;
3. Financial support of the church by the state (paying the salary of priests
and contributing to the (re)construction of church buildings);
4. Guaranteed representation in both press and radio.
~ Spain Then And Now84
The fact that the government of
Spain, in collusion with the Catholic Church, were the institutions that
kidnapped babies meant that it is impossible to account for them all. Despite media white-washing, it is a foregone
conclusion that many of the children werenât simply âsoldâ to good Catholics
who wanted them, they were trafficked, tortured and ritually slaughtered.
Proof is found in how Rome
maintained these crimes against the Spanish people long after Francoâs death.
GeneralĂsimo Francisco Franco was personally
assisted by Father Josemaria Escriva, the founder of Opus Dei.85
It would not be the last time Opus
Dei was the vehicle by which children were trafficked, abused and murdered. ~ Eaters
of Children, Giovanni Augustino Cirucci, CreateSpace (September 11th,
2017), pp. 74-76
The same
outrages occurred during the Argentinian Dirty War.However, no institution of repute is daring
to link Cardinal Bergoglio (now Pope Francis I) directly to child trafficking.
Below mainstream media, former Church of Canada
Priest-turned-human-rights activist Kevin Annett does level the accusation.
A former civil servant in the
Argentine military junta who is living in exile in Spain claims that Pope
Francis engineered the kidnapping and trafficking of children of political
prisoners during the Dirty War of the 1970âs.
The man bases his claim on his
personal involvement in meetings between Bergoglio and senior junta members
that secured the child trafficking networks using Catholic orphanages and
religious bodies as covers.
A Spanish reporter who has
interviewed the former civil servant states,
âThis guy is genuine and has many
names and dates, and notes from meetings. Apparently, Bergoglio was promised
the top spot in the Argentine church if he cooperated with the junta. So itâs
small wonder that as the Pope, heâs made it harder for honest catholics to
report child abuse, considering his own complicity.â ~
Unfortunately, Annett and his âInternational Tribunal into
Crimes of Church and Stateâ harm their credibility with delusions of grandeur;
frequently proclaiming that an âinternational court in Brusselsâ has convicted Bergoglio of child trafficking.
That was 2014.
Exactly what law enforcement agency is going to be doing the
arresting, Annett doesnât say.In fact,
Bergoglio has never been arrested for child trafficking and, if a âtrialâ
ever took place he was tried in absentia.
Argentinaâs âDirty Warâ was supposedly an âultra-Rightâ
purge of âCommunistsâ, yet Pope Francis I maintains a posture that is nothing
less than far-Left.3
From âglobal warmingâ to gun control, Papa Francisco
seems to have gone to the âopposite extremeâ of his Communist-hunting
do not be ashamed of your traditions,â he told the audience. âDo not forget the lessons you learned from
your elders, which are something you can bring to enrich the life of this
American land. I repeat, do not be
ashamed of what is part of you, your lifeblood. You are called to be responsible citizens and
to contribute, like others who with so much strength did before you .â.â. fruitfully
to the life of the communities in which you live.â
also culled American history to underscore his remarks about the treatment of
remember the great struggles which led to the abolition of slavery, the
extension of voting rights, the growth of the labor movement, and the gradual
effort to eliminate every kind of racism and prejudice against the earlier arrival
of new Americans,â he said.
In an era of deadly terrorism and weapons of mass
destruction, decades of wide-open borders are nothing less than treason.
Although âmainstream mediaâ decries any attempt to close the
borders as âracistâ, the issue isnât âraceâ as much as âreligionâ.
As in Americaâs past, the vast majority of immigrants
pouring across those open borders are Roman Catholic.
However, in stark contrast to waves of Catholic immigrants
of yester-year, simply walking across an open border means you donât have to
Consequently, ghettos of Spanish-speaking illegal immigrants
are common to every state in the Union.This exacerbates the refusal of U.S. officials at all levels of
government to enforce immigration laws and causes natural-born citizens (at
least those whose parents didnât consider labor pains as synonymous with a
starting gun) to react in anger at said Spanish-speakers.
The situation is worsened when, not only Federal, State and
local governments provide Spanish-speaking service to illegal immigrants but
most businesses do, as well.
One would think that encouraging âimmigrantsâ to wear their
background on their sleevesâand then reiterating the encouragementâmakes a bad
situation even worse.
Although the Jesuits have oft been accused of masterfully
manipulating civic discontent to steer in their favor, surely Pope Francis
knows not what he does.
As Trumpâs Conservative constituency begins to get
impatient, they are encouraged to be satisfied with real progress such
as Attorney General and former ensconced 20-year United States Senator
Jeff Sessions telling Justice Department bureaucrats to be
sure and say âillegal alienâ whenever speaking of âundocumented visitorsâ.
Top Jesuits are even managing to upset Conservative
His counterpart in the Order, Superior General Arturo Sosa
(known as the âBlack Popeâ2) has backed up the Jesuit disappearing
of eternal damnation by telling the Spanish newspaper El Mundo that Satan
is just a man-made âsymbolâ.
In relation to the words of Jesus Christ recorded in Mark
10:9 on the sanctity of marriage â âWhat God has joined, let no man separate,â
â Sosa
told Swiss journalist Giuseppe Rusconi that no one used a âtape recorderâ
to chronicle the words of Jesus and, therefore, they should be examined âin
What does all this have to do with Peter J. Reilly, Kent
Hovind and paying your taxes?âNothing.It was just my
And Now For Something Completely Different
Iâve come a long way since 2015.
Somehow, Peter and I were connected on TwitterâI think he
reached out and I was at a point where curiosity about âthe other teamâ was
overcoming my trepidation so I returned the âfollowâ.
That put Peter on my feed and when I saw him âlikeâ a
âtweetâ from an unexpected source, I had to jump into the fray.
Her real name is Stephanie Gregory5 Clifford, but
thatâs not what the media calls her.Sheâs a pornography âactressâ and the media not only plastered her and
her breasts all over the airwaves (which was wonderful for your children to
see) but they were always sure to use her porn name, âStormy Danielsâ.
Supposedly, âStormyâ had
sex with your president just after his third wife had their latest child,
The media has used this literal harlot to make pornography a
household item for the youngest of children.Who would think to put a parental
block on the 5 oâclock news?
This actually could have been the ultimate motive the entire
time; so much so that itâs quite possible Donald Trump never even met Stephanie
I find it particularly ironic that Vatican sources like the
Catholic News Service seem to be on the forefront of this revelation.
The percentage of Americans who say
pornography is morally acceptable increased more over the past year than in all
other years this decade combined.
While the acceptability of porn
still holds minority status in the United States, it has climbed to 43 percent,
according to Gallup Poll figures released June 5. The number increased by 7 percent from last
yearâs figure.
In 2011, when Gallup first started
asking this question, only 30 percent said pornography was morally acceptable. As of last year, that figure had climbed to 36
percent, a rise of 6 percent.
While acceptance of pornography had
trailed other social issues earlier this decade, such as doctor-assisted
suicide, same-sex relations, sex between unmarried people and out-of-wedlock
childbirth, the 2017-18 surge means that porn has eclipsed all other social
issues in their growing acceptance by Americans this decade, according to Gallup.
A report on the pollâs findings by
Gallup analyst Andrew Dugan said that while Americans had grown more tolerant
on social norms over the decade, the reason behind the steep climb on
pornography is âless clear.â
One theory Dugan offered is that
adult film actress Stormy Daniels, a âfierce critic of President Donald Trump,
has given pornography a sense of moral credibility that it previously lacked.â
~ Crux
Does this just happen to be âone theoryâ or does the
Catholic News Service have an insider source?
Unfortunately, Donald Trump is far from being unfairly
wounded here.In fact, another aspect of
this contrived âscandalâ is damage control.Trumpâs secrets are actually more dark and perverse than a âfling with a
porn actressâ.Thatâs how he was
selected to be âelectedâ: heâs a slave to the blackmail of his deviant past.
In comparison to what Donald Trump really is, the
âStormy Danielsâ scandal is tame, even appealing to some with looser morals.Itâs a well-used tactic.
Hillary Rodham continued to play the
role of strong-man by illegally
going through the FBI dossiers of their political enemies for blackmail.Neither the existence of the dossiers nor the
activity were addressed with prosecution.
In fact, the corruptions that occurred
during the Clinton Administration that were being ignored were so vast a side-show
was fabricated over a sexual tryst Bill had in the Oral Office.Meanwhile, in best Hegelian fashion, Billâs Jesuit
keepers were ordering him to keep backwards Communist China in full threat status
by sending them nuclear
secrets and supercomputers;
all acts of high treason that were shoved under Monica Lewinskyâs stained dress.
~ Can
We Finally Call Hillary A Roman? Johnny Cirucci,,
25 July 2016
If Trump hasnât met Stephanie Clifford (or maybe sheâs one
of many such harlots heâs bought), why did his handlers choose her for the
spotlight?She has greatly benefited
from the show.
Her recent arrest and release may give some insight.
Charges against adult film actress
Stormy Daniels for allegedly touching three undercover detectives while
performing at an Ohio strip club were dismissed Thursday, her attorney said.
Daniels,who gained
notoriety after suing President Donald Trump following an alleged affair, had
faced three misdemeanor counts of illegally touching a patron, court records
Daniels, whose legal name is
Stephanie Clifford, posted a $6,054 bail and was released Thursday morning, and
was due to be arraigned Friday, records show.
Because Daniels does not regularly
appear at the club, the charges were dismissed, according to court documents.
âIâve determined that these crimes
were not committed, based on the fact that Ms. Clifford has not made regular
appearances at this establishment as required under the law,â Columbus City
Attorney Zach Klein said in a statement after reviewing the case.
Daniels had planned to plead not
guilty to the three misdemeanor charges, her attorney, Michael Avenatti, tweeted.
The arrest of Daniels and two
others was part of a âlong-term investigation into allegations of human
trafficking, prostitution, & other vice related violations,â Columbus
police said in a statement. ~ CNN
Not only was Clifford (whom CNN prefers to call by her porn
name) released, but she admitted that two other strippers who were arrested
with her were not.
Maybe she just had a better lawyer.
Michael John Avenatti has an education very similar
to Donald Trump, having first received Catholic instruction at the
public-sounding Saint Louis University before transferring 900 miles east to
the University of Pennsylvania to be given a more overtly
âpublicâ degree.
Perhaps the clue can be found in the arrest being the result
of a âlong-term investigation into allegations of human trafficking...âAs Iâve already
shown you conclusively, real power is sealed through the abuse of
children.That includes the power to
avoid prosecution (which seems to be the case for virtually every high-profile
pedophile Iâve researched).
According to Ken Wooden, a child
safety expert who has interviewed more than 1,000 sex offenders and abductors,
the biggest mistake parents make is to think itâs enough to tell children,
âDonât talk to strangers.â
âIn the eyes of a kid, a stranger
is some character whoâs very scary and a monster type,â said Wooden.In reality, though, molesters can look like
ordinary, friendly, engaging adults, Wooden warned. ~ ABC News
Is Stephanie Clifford a âlureâ to help bring unsuspecting
children into an obviously dangerous environment?Does she hook young girls with telling them
how profitable her lifestyle is?
Exactly what a âporn actressâ puts in her âtrophy caseâ can
only be imagined but one wonders who you can or even should show off such
âtrophiesâ to.
You would think that an adulterous âporn actressâ scandal
would cripple someone like Donald Trump, who rode into the White House via the
âConservativeâ, Christian, Republican vote but not only does it appear not to
have affected him, a second scandal was released by the media almost identical
to the first.
President Trumpâs longtime lawyer,
Michael D. Cohen, secretly recorded a conversation with Mr. Trump two months
before the presidential election in which they discussed payments to a former
Playboy model who said she had an affair with Mr. Trump, according to lawyers
and others familiar with the recording.
The F.B.I. seized the recording
this year during a raid on Mr. Cohenâs office. The Justice Department is investigating Mr.
Cohenâs involvement in paying women to tamp down embarrassing news stories
about Mr. Trump ahead of the 2016 election. Prosecutors want to know whether that violated
federal campaign finance laws, and any conversation with Mr. Trump about those
payments would be of keen interest to them. ~ The
New York Times
A single sourceâThe Telegraphâsays âPlayboy Playmate of the Yearâ
Karen McDougal âbecame
religiousâ but curiously leaves out exactly what her âreligionâ is.
She maintains a website with her name â.comâ (which one would assume
would be hard to obtain) but it has no content other than a photograph of herâa
somewhat decently-dressed one, fortunately.At one point there was an âAbout Meâ page but it has since been taken down.What is Karen hiding about her background?
Once taking the plunge for porn, it was all smooth sailing
for McDougal...or, rather, âdrivingâ.
McDougalâs first modelling assignment
was being a promotional model at a Harley-Davidson bike show in Detroit.[8]
In 1997, McDougal tried out and won
her local Venus Swimwear swimsuit competition in Michigan, earning her place at
the international final in Florida.Her victory
caught the eye of Playboy photographer David Mecey.[4]Soon after that she was approached by Playboy
for a test shoot at Playboy Studio West which she accepted.[6]Upon completing her test shoot, she was promptly
selected to return for a complete photo and video shoot and chosen as Miss December
1997.[4]Her pictorial, which
was shot by photographers Richard Fegley and Stephen Wayda, has a winter theme[1]
and its outdoor portion was shot in the snowy fields near Park City, Utah.[9]Her video, the âPlaymate Profileâ, was featured
on Playboy TV soon after her magazine debut.[2]
In May 1998, she was announced to have
been chosen by Hugh Hefner and fans as Playmate of the Year (PMOY) of 1998 at a
luncheon at the Playboy Mansion.[10]
As part of being named PMOY, she was
awarded $100,000 and a special edition silver Shelby Series 1 convertible with a
customized Michigan license plate âPMOY 98â.[3]McDougalâs PMOY pictorial was featured in the
July 1998 issue of Playboy where she also appeared on its cover.[11]In contrast to her Playmate pictorial, her PMOY
pictorial has a tropical theme and its outdoor portion was shot at Saint Lucia.[3]According to her interview in her Playmate of
the Year âVideo Centerfoldâ which was released soon after her PMOY issue debuted,
she believes her physical imperfections are her âfunnyâ smile, her crooked pinkies
which she inherited from her grandfather and her âugly feetâ which she wishes others
would not look at.[5]Because
of the popularity of the VH1 television series âPop-up Videoâ at the time, one of
the segments in her PMOY video was done as a Pop-up Video parody filled with factoids
about her and Playboy.[5]During her appearance on The Magic Hour to promote her PMOY issue,
McDougal demonstrated her signature pose, straddle split on TV in front of a live
studio audience.[12]
In an online chat in 2002, McDougal
expressed interest in posing nude for Playboy again if offered.[13]
Fitness Modeling
In March 1999, McDougal became the first
woman to appear on the cover of Menâs Fitness magazine.[4]Since then she expanded her career into fitness
modeling by appearing in fitness and body building magazines such as Muscle
& Fitness (January 2000), Physical (June 2004) and Iron Man
(October 2005, January 2006, June 2007[14] and November 2009[15]).[8]She appeared in a 10-page pictorial in the January
2006 issue of Iron Man as âHardbodyâ of the month,[16] and on
the cover of its October 2005 and June 2007 issues.McDougal returned as âHardbodyâ of the month in
the November 2009 issue in a pictorial together with fellow Playmate Katie
Lohmann.[15]In interviews, she
stated that her transition to fitness modeling was unintentional.[15][17]
~ Wikipedia
Truly, the wages of sin are big money and a top-of-the-line least until it comes time to pay the bills.6
If McDougal is just another pair of breasts being presented
to Americaâs children via the evening news, the next question is what we asked
about Stephanie âStormy Danielsâ Clifford: why her?Perhaps becoming âreligiousâ was a bigger
benefit than you might think...if itâs the right âreligionâ.
Wikipedia claims
she is âof Cherokee, Scottish and Irish descent.âYou probably arenât seeing any âCherokeeâ
(neither am I), and âMcDougalâ can bespeak of Scotland but âIrishâ certainly
leaves a clue that the âreligionâ Karen found was Roman Catholicism.
It worked for another âformerâ porn actress, Jenna Jameson.
Jameson also âgot religiousââmore specifically, she got
Roman Catholic.
Interestingly, she seems to find no conflict with her past
and, although sheâs a âformer porn actressâ she told Larry King in 2013 that
she wouldnât return to porn because sheâs too old for it, not because it was in
any way offensive.
Perhaps the fact that Jameson âfoundâ Roman Catholicism also
explains how she had the pull to land an interview with Larry King.
We can only guess about what religion Karen McDougal became
âreligiousâ in, but no guesses are necessary for the Trump lawyer being
trumpeted as the epicenter of Porn Scandal II: Michael
Cohen is Jewish.
Once again, we see a Hebrew in a high-profile but
low-influence position bolstering the âconspiracy theoryâ I maintain that
willing Jews are human shields for Romans.
It was here that I noticed Peter Reilly getting
involved.He had âheartedâ a âtweetâ
from Stephanie âStormy Danielsâ Clifford that I found quite obnoxious.
Once again I found myself on one end of an issue and Peter on another.
Being temperamental and ornery (shocking, I know), I
messaged a ribbing to Peter.
Being even-tempered and reserved (might I call him âcageyâ?),
he side-stepped the issue and opened a dialogue.
I wanted to stay angry but, instead, I was disarmed and
intrigued.In fact, it was damn
Jesuitical of him!
I realized that I had squandered three years by not reaching
out to Peter sooner.
If nothing else, I could attempt to understand how a
Jesuit-trained Forbes CPA sees things.Hell, maybe I might be able to win him over in some way.
If anything, the three years since Peter and I first met
have seen me align perfectly with him on the subject of Kent Hovind.
I now see Hovind, not as an unsung hero, but as a reckless,
selfish and incompetent father, husband and Christian steward at best and an
agent of deception at worst.
To begin with, Kent is a âCreationistâ like Ken Ham: a
Christian who seeks to put dinosaurs in the Garden of Eden.
This tactic does more harm than good and one wonders if men
like this know that.
If anything, a much more radical understanding of our
cosmology does far more to validate the Bible and, if carefully examined, gives
more real observational (âzeteticâ) evidence.
Such an examination has been maligned as âflat Earthâ but,
without the labels, this community asks some serious questions the âexpertsâ
seem ill-equipped to answer.
Daring To Think The Un-Thinkable
For instance, if you make your own observations, the sun and
moon appear to be nearly exactly the same size and relatively close to your
However, experts claim that moon has a radius of 1,079 miles
while the sun has a radius 432,169 milesâroughly 400x bigger.
These same experts claim that the moon is 238,900 miles away
from the Earth and that the sun is 92.96 million miles away.By ârandom chanceâ, the sun is 400x bigger
than the moon but also 400x further away giving it the âoptical illusionâ of being
the same size.If this werenât the case,
eclipses would be impossible.
At best this is an astounding case for âintelligent designâ
behind the creation of our âuniverseâ.
According to NASA, the Earth is spinning at 1,000 mph
(breaking the 767mph sound barrier) at the equator. The Earth revolves around the sun at 67,000
mph. The solar system moves through the
Milky Way at 500,000 mph. The Milky Way
moves through the universe at 670,000,000 mph.
All that movement and yet the North Star is right there, day
after day, year after year, century after century.
NASA assures us that, again, our eyes are playing tricks on
us and this is another âoptical illusionâ created by the vast distance between
the Earth and the North Star.Just trust
The experts tell us that the Earth is a spinning globe with a
radius of approximately 3,965 miles.Google explains that âUsing the Pythagorean theorem, that calculates to
an average curvature of 7.98 inches per mile or approximately 8 inches per mile
(squared).âThat means that, across 1
mile, there is an 8 inch drop to the horizon.At 2 miles, there is a 64 inch drop (51/3rds
feet).At 10 miles the drop is 662/3rds
feet and at 100 miles itâs an ominous 6662/3rds
There are many places around âthe globeâ where the naked eye
can see far beyond any perceived âcurvatureâ but then the âexpertsâ say you
canât trust the ups and downs of terrain.
You can, however, trust that water always finds its own
level.If you pour coffee into a cup
with hills of sugar, itâs still a flat, calm surface once you pour enough.If you then travel to the Suez Canal you see
an astounding 120-mile-long surface with no detectable drop to the horizon.
Even more interesting is how flight of either the tiniest
insect or the most massive aircraft isnât affected by the Earthâs rotation in
the slightest.If the Earth rotates from
east to west, air travel in one cardinal direction should take twice as long or
be twice as short in another.Of course,
this is difficult to observe as an airline passenger thanks to crazy and
seemingly inefficient connecting flightsâbut Iâm sure thereâs a logical reason
for them.
The experts tell us that, no, you canât keep water on a
spinning ball or have centrifugal force negated for anything on the surface of
that ball but if the ball gets really, really big, at some magical point
unknown to âscienceâ something called âgravityâ cancels the effect of movement
and keeps everything conveniently in place.You canât test this for yourself, you again have to trust the experts.
The experts tell us that the Earthâs atmosphere is composed
of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 0.9% argon, and 0.03% carbon dioxide along with
other trace elements and water vapor.Just outside that atmosphere is the icy-cold vacuum of space.If you were to try and duplicate that, the
vacuum would instantly rip the atmosphere away but, again, we are told to trust
to the magic of âgravityâ and the knowledge of the âexpertsâ.
For instance, Albert Einsteinâs âSpecial Theory of
Relativityâ does explain how âgravityâ makes you feel ârelativeâ to a stable,
flat plain instead of a ball spinning faster than the speed of sound...itâs
just too
complex for you to understand.
Consequently, âconspiracy theoristsâ have begun to question
whether the Jewish scientist was trying to deceitfully pull the collective wool
over our eyes.The fact that his close
friend was a Jesuit-trained Belgian Catholic priest named Georges LemaĂźtre has
nothing to do with it, weâre sure!
However, I must mention that LemaĂźtre is the astronomer who
rose to the occasion and provided an answer on behalf of Darwinian
evolutionists for the question, âIf this all happened by random chance, how did
it start without God?âLemaĂźtreâs
response can basically be summarized as âFirst there was nothing, and then it
explodedâ.The âscientificâ phrase is
âBig Bang Theoryâ.
One wouldnât expect a Jesuit-trained Catholic priest to be
so helpful to the Darwinians but in 2014 the Jesuit
Pope, himself, reaffirmed that both âevolutionâ and the âBig Bangâ are
Jesuits have run to the aid of floundering Darwinians more
than you know.
Critics of the champion of chimpanzee conjecture caused a
conundrum with the query âWhat was the adaptive âlinkâ between apes and
man?âDuring the awkward silence, Father
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, S.J., thought he would help things along a
bit.When no fossil could be found to
provide the evidence, he
simply fabricated one; âPiltdown Manâ.
What was a Father who was known as the âfather
of New Age spiritismâ doing hoaxing archeological evidence?Perhaps the accusation that a top priority of
the âSociety of Jesusâ is to discredit the Bible doesnât seem quite so
At this point, tinfoil-hat-types are beginning to ask in the
language of Rome, âCui bono?ââWho benefits?âIf the Catholic
Church is âChristianâ, why has it been so helpful to the Darwinian atheists who
manage to explain away the Creation?
Actually, Rome has been far more helpful than youâve been
told and the motive is to attack and discredit the Bible, forcing
the Pope to be acknowledged as the premier authority on both âscienceâ and
Interestingly, both Kent Hovind and Ken Ham4 join
the Jesuit Pope in disregard for these criticisms of modern âscienceâ. In fact, they go even further and vehemently
attack them. âOdd behavior for men who
claim that validating the Bible is their highest priority.
But from a âconspiracy theoristâ perspective, Kent is even
more appealing to âthe Machineâ because of the quagmire of protesting taxation.
There can be no doubt that the complexity of the tax code is
a form of tyranny.America will never
see a flat tax nor will any governmental authority examine the Sixteenth
Amendment despite some interesting claims that it was unconstitutionally
ratified.In fact, a really sharp
pleader could even make a case against the Sixteenth Amendment based upon
Original Intent of the Constitutionâthe idea that the Federal government is
entitled to skim your paycheck before you receive it and what it skims, it
arbitrates from year to year.
The very fact that we need specialized Jesuit-trained CPAs
like Peter J. Reilly proves this point.Even if the tax code isnât weaponized to target producers and common
citizens, its complexity is in-and-of-itself a bulwark that the super-rich can
hide behind by highering armies of Peter J. Reillys to help squirrel away their
wealth in legendary âoffshore accountsâ.
Encouraging citizens who are discontented and
disenfranchised with a weaponized tax code to âprotestâ it âghetto-styleâ by
simply not paying it is the ultimate sucker punch.As the old saw goes, âYou canât fight City
Hallâ and Kent Hovind proved that resoundingly.
Worse, Hovind failed those who depended upon him most.He refused to provide the safety nets of
health and life insurance required by law for his employees and his
premeditated tactics such as âstructuringâ (keeping transactions under $10,000
for the purposes of tax avoidance) netted his wife,
Jo, jail time as an accomplice.
She stayed with him through both their confinements but,
sadly, after he was released from prison, they divorced.
Kent Hovind adamantly maintains that
he is not a âtax protesterâ.I have some
issues with that.If you go to the flagship
website of his supporters #FreeKent
you can follow the links to Proof Number one âLetters from professionals absolve Kent Hovind from all wrong-doingâ.The first letter is from Kent to one of the professionals
and starts with:
âI am writing to request your professional
opinion regarding the voluntary nature of Form 1040.â
A bit after the two minute mark Kent
says that everybody should follow the law including the government and that he has
not filed in 28 years and if there is a law that requires filing, he would like
to see it.The discussion that follows has
nothing to do with his status as a minister and his vow of poverty.A bit past the six minute mark he launches into
the explanation as to why trading services for money is not âincomeâ.At 7:30, he gives a qualified plug to Irwin Schiff,
who may well have originated many of the arguments used by, for lack of a better
term, tax protesters.Irwin Schiff is also
in federal prison.
One disingenuous thing Peter
does do is conflate shocking aspects about the case against Hovind
as synonymous with his âdefenseâ.12
The arguments that are brought
forth in defense of Kent Hovind are multifarious and include things like Jo
Hovind not being allowed to put on a robe when she was arrested, a prosecutor
who committed suicide when arrested as a pedophile and Judge Margaret Casey
Rodgers not allowing open Bibles in the courtroom during the trial.
* Kent Hovindâs wife was treated by
authorities with needless brutality unbecoming a citizenâs understanding of who
their âlaw enforcementâ is composed of.
* Kent Hovindâs (assistant) prosecutor was a pedophile.
* Kent Hovindâs judge was a vehemently anti-Christian woman.11
Of course these facts have nothing to do with whether
Hovind was guilty of tax evasion.
But they absolutely add weight to the accusation of my
third book that the United States is secretly controlled by a cabal of
Christian-hating pedophiles based in Rome.
Kent regularly brings up the fact that
one of the prosecutors in his first trial was John
David Roy Atchison who hung himself in a prison cell after being arrested in
a pedophile sting.My hesitancy in listening
to even more interviews has to do with not wanting to, once again, hear about the
doll and the jar of Vaseline that Atchison had in his possession when arrested.The implication is that someone as wicked as Atchison
must have spent his time prosecuting godly people.
âbut it has nothing to do with tax evasion at the
citizen level and everything to do with corruption and conspiracy at the
national and (forgive me) âglobalâ levels.
I can think of few things more foolish than fighting a war
with the United States government in its own judiciary in an effort to deprive
the government of your money which it claims it is entitled to.
To think that you can deprive the government of your money
without an army of lawyers and/or accountants is beyond folly; itâs suicide.
To encourage those who trust you to do the same is a heinous
betrayal of that trust.
Whatâs more, if you have a distrust of government, wouldnât
it follow that a corrupt court would rather frame you and/or change its rules
than see you win at their own game?
A single successful âtax protesterâ brings down the entire
system.With âall the marblesâ at stake,
the side that owns all of the machine guns, armored trucks, helicopters, radios
and CCTV cameras wins.
If this is common sense (and it is), there are only two
explanations for why someone would willingly attempt a no-win fight like this:
1) The individual in question is
not processing this information as a healthy adult.Failure to receive and process accurate
information is no excuse.A mature adult
knows that if you donât know how to fly a plane, you donât volunteer to take
your family for a vacation flight with yourself at the helm.
2) The individual in question is an
agent of deception being used to lure disenfranchised citizens into committing
suicide with them.Variations on this
include a dupe who is manipulated to become even more appealing than without
help, to a fully-trained operative who is in no real danger of prosecution.
At best, I can only hope that Kent Hovind is a dysfunctional
dupe but it is noteworthy that, upon his release from prison, he not only
jumped feet-first into the âflat Earthâ debate, both on the wrong side and
seemingly without proper investigation, he also has warned against
understanding prophetic passages of Scripture like Daniel 2 and 7 or Revelation
17 thru 20 as having anything to do with the Catholic Church.
When I first started to question the role and power of the
Vatican, the only âexpertâ to pop up that had reliable information was âEric
Jon Phelpsâ.
Phelps labels himself a âWhite Separatist American Freeman,
Dispensational, Fifth Monarchy, Seventh-Day Baptist-Calvinistâ.
Racial division is one of the most powerful âdivide and
conquerâ weapons that has been used both repeatedly and successfully by the
Phelps also offers a 3-day course in how to litigate against
the United States government.For $2,000 you can
learn to turn the âALL CAPSâ of official documents against the Leviathan!
Recently, Phelps
was promoted in his local newspaper as the arch-typical âanti-Catholic
white separatistâ.He dispenses
information about the Vatican that is unavailable anywhere else and then he
completely discredits himself with Jesuit Biblical eschatology, racism and a
âsolutionâ that is patently absurd: start his own country.
Itâs great press...for the Catholic Church.
Eric Phelpsâs Reformation Bible
Puritan Baptist Church is Lebanon Countyâs only organization plotted on the
Southern Poverty Law Centerâs map of hate groups, but his picturesque farmhouse
near Newmanstown doesnât look like a headquarters of hate. ...
While he insists he isnât hateful,
Phelps is a proud and active advocate of racial separation and anti-Catholicism
â and he has big plans for Lebanon County.His goal: a community that secedes from the United States and
Pennsylvania, is devoid of Hispanics, African-Americans and Catholics,
institutes the death penalty for âdoing dope,â and forbids homosexuality and
âThese Hispanics and these blacks
that commit crime everywhere â they have reduced Lebanon to nothing but a
savage war zone, for the most part.Thatâs all done by the Pope â he brought them in here,â Phelps
said.âIf I canât have (racial
separation) in Lebanon, Iâll move to another county where we can do it, but we
have to go to a white county thatâs historically Protestant.â
Phelps isnât idle while waiting for
the consummation of that dream.He
pastors his church, which meets in his home to study the Bible and eat
fellowship meals of âwhite Protestant cuisine,â like meat and potatoes.Attendees include his family and a few
others, but his personal invitation is required to join.
He also broadcasts an Internet
radio program with followers around the world and hosts âprivate citizenshipâ
classes in Myerstown that have been attended by as many as 25 paying customers,
he said, preaching an anti-Catholic gospel message wherever he goes.
My son, heretofore you have been
taught to act the dissembler: among Roman Catholics to be a Roman Catholic, and
to be a spy even among your own brethren; to believe no man, to trust no man.Among the Reformers, to be a reformer; among
the Huguenots, to be a Huguenot; among the Calvinists, to be a Calvinist; among
other Protestants, generally to be a Protestant, and obtaining their confidence,
to seek even to preach from their pulpits, and to denounce with all the
vehemence in your nature our Holy Religion and the Pope; and even to descend so
low as to become a Jew among Jews, that you might be enabled to gather together
all information for the benefit of your Order as a faithful soldier of the
You have been taught to insidiously
plant the seeds of jealousy and hatred between communities, provinces, states
that were at peace, and incite them to deeds of blood, involving them in war
with each other, and to create revolutions and civil wars in countries that
were independent and prosperous, cultivating the arts and the sciences and
enjoying the blessings of peace.To take
sides with the combatants and to act secretly with your brother Jesuit, who
might be engaged on the other side, but openly opposed to that with which you
might be connected, only that the Church might be the gainer in the end, in the
conditions fixed in the treaties for peace and that the end justifies the
You have been taught your duty as a
spy, to gather all statistics, facts and information in your power from every
source; to ingratiate yourself into the confidence of the family circle of
Protestants and heretics of every class and character, as well as that of the
merchant, the banker, the lawyer, among the schools and universities, in
parliaments and legislatures, and the judiciaries and councils of state, and to
be all things to all men, for the Popeâs sake, whose servants we are unto
Adding to the evidence of this tactic, I have chronicled
several moments in history that seem to fit my premise with sinking perfection:
the repeated betrayal of oppressed Patriots in Communist tyrannies by the CIAâan
organization founded and run
by Roman Catholics.
Again and again, the Central
Intelligence Agency has enabled the radical Left and Communism to maintain
stasis and stability as an important factor in the Hegelian Dialectic of
thesis, antithesis, synthesis (more colloquially known as âproblem, reaction,
solutionâ).Communists and Communist
nations were always behind the West in technology, capability and prosperity.As a result, Roman-controlled bankers,
billionaires and intelligence bureaus repeatedly betrayed their Western nations
of birth to keep the Communists afloat â sometimes with vicious results.
Bohemian Grove regular Dwight Eisenhower462
repeatedly promised in his 1952 campaign to âliberateâ the Eastern European
nations that were given to Joseph Stalin (reputed to be a Freemason, guaranteed
to have been influenced by Freemasonry463 and was a Roman Catholic
with Jewish heritage trained to be a Jesuit priest464) by Scottish
Rite and Shriner Freemason Franklin Roosevelt465 along with
Freemason Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill (Studholme Lodge 1591466).The game was rigged from the beginning.
Eisenhower was the perfect puppet.He somehow managed to avoid a single
leadership billet throughout his entire military career (never a Platoon
Leader, Company Commander, Battalion Commander, Brigade or Division Commander)
until becoming Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean Expeditionary Force467
just prior to becoming Supreme Allied Commander, Europe.Armchair warriors make the best yes-men.
The modus operandi of
Jesuit-controlled Freemasonic Western leadership was to set up the real Communist-fighting
Patriots and then pull the rug out from underneath them.
Chinese revolutionary Chiang
Kai-shek had the power and popular support to guarantee barring Communists
entry into China so General âVinegar Joeâ Stillwell, General George C. Marshal
and President Franklin Roosevelt made sure he failed and was overthrown
(particularly in prohibiting necessary supplies like small arms468)
guaranteeing the advent of Mao Zedong; a true monster who murdered so many of
his own people that the counts are unsure even today but they start at
The Hungarian Revolution of 1956
was another example of treason and betrayal by Romeâs intelligence puppets.Traitors in the West had been pleading with
Hungarian Patriots to revolt â
It is a well-known fact that
Radio Free Europe and the Voice of America in the 1950s encouraged resistance
to â if not an outright revolt against â Communist oppression.In a 1998 interview with CNN, Hungarian
Ambassador to the U.S. Geza Jeszensky, who was 15 years old at the time of the
revolution, remarked: âI kept listening to Radio Europe like 10 million
Hungarians did.Radio Free Europe
certainly encouraged the Hungarians to resist the Soviets.But it was not Radio Free Europe which
instigated the Hungarian Revolution.Perhaps
the Hungarians were misled, not by the radio, but by the propaganda language by
the U.S. administration.It spoke about
liberation and rollback.Eisenhower kept
speaking about liberation, but as a historian put it, it proved to be only a
myth.Liberation was not meant
seriously.â2Radio Free
Europe also had an impact on [Soviet] Premier [Nikolai
Alexandrovich] Bulganin and his Politburo.3~ Thomas J. Torda,
Ph.D., The American-Hungarian Federation470
Once Hungarian Patriots were
convinced to commit themselves, Western traitors stepped back and Soviet
brutality stepped in.[italics
The defeat of the Hungarian
revolution was one of the darkest moments of the Cold War.At certain points since its outbreak on
October 23 the revolt looked like it was on the verge of an amazing triumph.The entire nation appeared to have taken up
arms against the regime.Rebels, often
armed with nothing more than kitchen implements and gasoline, were disabling
Soviet tanks and achieving other â sometimes small but meaningful â victories
throughout the country.On October 31,
the tide seemed to turn overwhelmingly in the revolutionâs favor when Pravda
published a declaration promising greater equality in relations between the
USSR and its East European satellites.One
sentence was of particular interest.It
read: â[T]he Soviet Government is prepared to enter into the appropriate
negotiations with the government of the Hungarian Peopleâs Republic and other
members of the Warsaw Treaty on the question of the presence of Soviet troops
on the territory of Hungary.â
...Washingtonâs role in the
Hungarian revolution soon became mired in controversy.One of the most successful weapons in the
East-West battle for the hearts and minds of Eastern Europe was the
CIA-administered Radio Free Europe.But
in the wake of the uprising, RFEâs broadcasts into Hungary sometimes took on a
much more aggressive tone, encouraging the rebels to believe that Western
support was imminent, and even giving tactical advice on how to fight the
Soviets.The hopes that were raised,
then dashed, by these broadcasts cast an even darker shadow over the Hungarian
tragedy that leaves many Hungarians embittered to this day.
Once the Soviets made up their
minds to eliminate the revolution, it took only a few days to complete the main
military phase of the operation.By
November 7 â coincidentally, the anniversary of the Bolshevik revolution â
Soviet forces were firmly enough in control of the country that KĂĄdĂĄr could
take the oath of office in the Parliament building (even though the Nagy
government had never formally resigned). ~ Malcolm Byrne, NSA Archive471
To make absolutely sure Soviet
armor had as much time as was needed to slaughter as many Hungarian Patriots as
possible, Eisenhower had his Ambassador to the United Nations, Adlai Ewing
Stevenson II, delay any possible U.N. intervention.472
The exact same scenario replayed
itself 12 years later in Czechoslovakia.After goading Czech Patriots into action for the 1968 âPrague Springâ,
all of Western Intelligence not only went silent, it went dark.
... 27 divisions of Soviet
Russians, Poles, Hungarians and Bulgarians â around 300,000 men, armed with
2,000 heavy cannons â marched into the small state of Czechoslovakia to end the
experiment of âsocialism with a human face.â It was the largest military
operation since the World War II...
For months, the eyes of the
world had been on Prague, where a group of officials around Communist Party
chief Alexander Dubcek had challenged the Soviets with new civil rights for
Czechoslovakia, new press freedoms and plans for privatization.Leonid Brezhnev, General Secretary of the
USSRâs Communist Party, ordered a number of threatening military maneuvers in
and around Czechoslovakia starting in May.
But when the maneuvers grew
serious, the American, British and German governments seemed to look the other
way, judging by documents from the NATO archive in Brussels as well as
intelligence files seen by SPIEGEL.âNot
a single evaluationâ managed to predict the Soviet invasion of Prague, according
to the NATO Military Committee, the allianceâs highest military authority.~ Der Spiegel473
Western media pushed the laughable
idea that â despite Western leaders being given daily (probably hourly) briefs
on Czechoslovakia â a WWII-sized Soviet invasion force was simply âlostâ to the
combined efforts of Allied intelligence operations.
Seven years earlier, in 1961, a
similar treason was conducted on the Patriots of Cuba.These Cuban exiles, however, had direct
interaction with the CIA in their training, organization, equipping and
They received everything except
what they needed most; a flight of 6 A-26 Invaders as air support.National Security Advisor McGeorge Bundy
(Skull and Bones 1940) personally saw to this betrayal as has been noted by Air
Force Colonel and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chief of Special Operations for
President Kennedy, Leroy Fletcher Prouty.474
Bundy would go on to blame John F. Kennedy
for sabotaging the Bay of Pigs leading up to his assassination by the
Jesuit-run CIA475 as well as see to it that CIA fingerprints were
covered up.476 ~ Secret
History, Johnny Cirucci, CreateSpace (November 24th, 2016),
pp. 524-529
Whatâs my solution?âIt certainly isnât to fight the government at its own game.
There is deep wisdom in the way Jesus dealt with the issueâbut
keep in mind that it was presented to Him as a trap with no right answer.
Then the Pharisees went and plotted
how they might entangle Him in His talk. And they sent to Him their disciples with the
Herodians, saying, âTeacher, we know that You are true, and teach the way of
God in truth; nor do You care about anyone, for You do not regard the person of
men. Tell us, therefore, what do You
think? Is it lawful to pay taxes to
Caesar, or not?â
But Jesus perceived their
wickedness, and said, âWhy do you test Me, you hypocrites?Show Me the tax money.â
So they brought Him a denarius.
And He said to them, âWhose image
and inscription is this?â
They said to Him, âCaesarâs.â
And He said to them, âRender
therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesarâs, and to God the things that
are Godâs.â
When they had heard these words,
they marveled, and left Him and went their way. ~ Matthew 22:15-22, New King
James Version
Itâs not a stretch to interpret Jesusâ words to mean, âThe
game is rigged so stop trying to beat the dealer.â
The Roman Empire of Christâs time ruled overtly by tyranny
and military occupation but the Roman Empire of our time can only rule by
hiding itself behind the illusion that weâre still in control.
If that curtain of deception is ripped away, one can easily
see those who were fooled into serving the Fateful City, turning upon her.
Then he said to me, âThe waters
which you saw, where the harlot sits, are peoples, multitudes, nations, and
tongues. And the ten horns which you saw
on the Beast, these will hate the Harlot, make her desolate and naked, eat her
flesh and burn her with fire.For God
has put it into their hearts to fulfill His Purpose, to be of one mind, and to
give their kingdom to the Beast, until the Words of God are fulfilled.And the woman whom you saw is that great city
which reigns over the kings of the Earth.â ~ Revelation 17:15-18
1.Although this might
seem to be a Left-wing agenda, it wouldâve been a healthy move towards stemming
the âGlobal War on Terrorâ.Holding
âterroristsâ offshore provides the United States military and the Central
Intelligence Agency with loopholes regarding humane treatment of victims.Itâs no coincidence that the facility is in
the nation of Americaâs vehement Communist âenemyâ, Cuba.Fidel Castro learned tyranny and Communism
through three separate Jesuit institutions while growing up; Colegio Lasalle
and the Colegio Dolores, in Santiago and the Colegio Belen, a
Jesuit preparatory school in Havana.The
mistreatment of prisoners guarantees that, if they ever leave Guantanamo, if
they werenât âterroristsâ coming in, they were going out.Obamaâs CIA Director, Jesuit-trained
Roman Catholic John Brennan did the same.His indiscriminate
drone attacks, in blatant disregard for any nationâs sovereign airspace,
guaranteed more, rather than fewer, enemies of the United States.The agenda may even be more sinister than
that.During the September 11th
2012 attack on the CIA waystation in Benghazi, Libya, a former Guantanamo
detainee was there and may even have lead the raid.The CIA has been accused of doling
out weapons to jihadis out of Benghazi and it has been rumored that Ambassador
Chris Stevens arrived because someone at the State Department had qualms about
including surface-to-air missiles in the plan.Not only was Stevens captured, tortured and murdered (insuring that his
mission was not accomplished), his escape to a âsafe roomâ was thwarted by terrorists
who had inside information.Was that
information given to the likes of Sufian bin Qumu during his âvisitâ to
Guantanamo Bay?
2.Jesuit admirers say this nickname
derives from the humble black priestâs cassock the Superior General always
wears while detractors say it stems from the dark, evil, all-encompassing power
wielded by Loyolaâs successor.They may
even make the accusation that the Clinton Administration attack on Waco (where
80 men, women and children were burned alive, Inquisition style) and the
blowing up of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal building in Oklahoma city
âcommemorateâ Loyolaâs Generalship.All
three happened on April 19th.For more terrible events on or about April 19th, read my book
3.Perhaps there is something, after
all, to the rumored âFourth Vow of Extreme Unctionâ as it acknowledgesâYou
have been taught to insidiously plant the seeds of jealousy and hatred between
communities, provinces, states that were at peace, and incite them to deeds of
blood, involving them in war with each other, and to create revolutions and
civil wars in countries that were independent and prosperous, cultivating the
arts and the sciences and enjoying the blessings of peace.To take sides with the combatants and to act
secretly with your brother Jesuit, who might be engaged on the other side, but
openly opposed to that with which you might be connected, only that the Church
might be the gainer in the end, in the conditions fixed in the treaties for
peace and that the end justifies the means.â 4.By a âquirkâ of serendipity, both
men share the initials âK.H.ââor is
there something more at work here...?
5.A âporn actressâ with a manâs middle
name?This implies parental misconduct
of a perverse nature.Unfortunately,
when children grow up to be involved in perversion, the roots usually run
through the parents.
6.As Iâm fond of quoting from the
Luciferian movie produced by Disney and Marvel, Dr. Strange, âThe bill
comes due.âFor the wages of sin is
death, but the Gift of God is Eternal Life in Christ Jesus our Lord. ~
Romans 6:23
7.Hey, it sounds good when youâre
breathing the rarefied air of a billionaire with his super-model
Catholic wifeâalthough, I guess not âsuper-modelâ enough.
8.âFarneseâ is one of the names that should
be coming up when you research who really rules the world behind the scenes; as
well as Medici, Orsini, Aldobrandini, Colonna, Borgia and Breakspeare.Instead, âRothschildâ and âRockefellerâ are
delivered to you, courtesy of the search engine whose birthday is the same as
the Company of Loyola.However, there
have never been any Rothschild Bishops, Cardinals or Popes whereas those other
names have been staples in Roman clergy.
9.Thatâs just a conjecture to open your
mind to the plausibility of the âscandalâ being contrived. Unfortunately, itâs just as plausible that a
billionaire pervert bought himself nookie with a porn star.Iâm sure it was more distasteful than her
usual âco-starsâ but also a lot quicker.
10.Even here the Leftists at âthe
Nationâ spin this important story in the wrong direction: the issue isnât how
much âpeopleâs candidateâ frauds like Trump and Hillary âcost the
governmentâ.The issue is that the rules
are always different for the Elite.The
bloated, parasitic government syphons your life blood but those who rule over
you are insulated from the bloodletting.
11.If youâve heard my show, I frequently
mock the far-Left culture of women in authority positions they often show
evidence of not being qualified for, inserting their maiden name without a
hyphen to confuse those around them.
12.To his credit, this is unlike the
galante CPA and, perhaps weâll just write it off to being âunclearâ.So-called âHovindicatorsâ have offered up
these facts as conflated with Hovindâs defense and Peter simply parroted them
rather than be clear.He may have little
reason to but itâs all a smoking gun for me!