_____________________________________________________________________________I met Bob Baty thanks to my coverage of the fight over the dubious constitutionality of Code Section 107 the parsonage exclusion. He became my most constant commenter and I dubbed him "bane of the basketball minister".Then in 2012, there was the Tax Court decision in the case of Jo Hovind. This was my entry into the world of Hovindology, the study of the trials and tribulations of independent Baptist minister and young earth creationist Kent Hovind, who spent nearly a decade behind bars on tax related charges and was tried on new charges in 2015. Bob has devoted much effort to exposing what he calls Hovind's false legal narrative.Bob Baty is a retired IRS agent who spends a lot of time tending to a few internet sites. Hovindicators - the supporters of Kent Hovind's narrative - tend to believe he is a paid government agent. I don't think so.At any rate, Bob has been intensely following another controversy that has connections, however tenuous to Hovindology. Bob has been after me to cover the Baby Holm controversy, but I have resisted not wanting to dedicate the lifespan necessary to form an opinion. As an alternative I have invited him to do a guest post on the subject.This venue will be open to those with other opinions subject to fairly minimal standards of decorous communications.
Making Noise & Shining Light in Cleburne County, AL
The Baby Holm Story (developing)
By Robert Baty
April 8, 2017
C. Clarke Holm (age 37) and Danielle Holm (age 32) were on foot. Danielle was 8-9 months pregnant. They were camping in a tent they carried with them to Cheaha State Park, AL. They were planning, reportedly, on having the child born in the tent and then moving on to parts unknown.
The reality that developed was that they simply couldn't pull that off, and maybe they never intended that result.
An emergency was declared and numerous responders were called to the campsite. The couple was transported from Cheaha State Park, AL to the Regional Medical Center and "Baby Holm" made his appearance.
It would ultimately be determined by State authorities that the parents could not demonstrate that they had the appropriate means for proving proper and reasonable care of the child and on the second day in the hospital the State took custody of the child.
And so the stage was set for what might have been the parents plans all along.
It seems there is a nationwide movement, well organized and financed, that specializes in promoting an anti-government, anti-child welfare agenda; characterizing State custody claims as kidnappings and accusing child welfare agencies of baby selling and child trafficking, among other things.
It was October 10, 2016 when the baby was born, October 11, 2016 when the State of Alabama took custody. A required 72 hour hearing was held about 2 days later and the judge determined that the State should retain custody pending a resolution of the issues involving the parents ability to properly provide for the child.
It seems there is a nationwide movement, well organized and financed, that specializes in promoting an anti-government, anti-child welfare agenda; characterizing State custody claims as kidnappings and accusing child welfare agencies of baby selling and child trafficking, among other things.
It was October 10, 2016 when the baby was born, October 11, 2016 when the State of Alabama took custody. A required 72 hour hearing was held about 2 days later and the judge determined that the State should retain custody pending a resolution of the issues involving the parents ability to properly provide for the child.
The parents, as if it had been planned before they arrived at Cheaha State Park, were quickly able to marshal anti-government, anti-child welfare forces and begin a publicity campaign accusing the State of kidnapping, child trafficking, and other such things, and the responders of rape/sexual assault.
Darkness had fallen over Cleburne County, AL as the parents were able to promote their side of the story and control the narrative. Due to the privacy which surrounds such cases and limits the State's ability to respond, the Cleburne County, Al child welfare agency (DHR), was taking it hard as the attacks upon it and the handling of the case were unrelenting; coming from the parents and those called in to help with promoting an anti-government, anti-child welfare agenda.
Darkness had fallen over Cleburne County, AL as the parents were able to promote their side of the story and control the narrative. Due to the privacy which surrounds such cases and limits the State's ability to respond, the Cleburne County, Al child welfare agency (DHR), was taking it hard as the attacks upon it and the handling of the case were unrelenting; coming from the parents and those called in to help with promoting an anti-government, anti-child welfare agenda.
The parents use their personal FaceBook page and a FaceBook group to promote their narrative. Those pages can be found at:
A great noise, however, was heard in Cleburne County, AL around the middle of December 2016, and the light began to shine upon what has now become known as the False Holm Narrative.
A great noise, however, was heard in Cleburne County, AL around the middle of December 2016, and the light began to shine upon what has now become known as the False Holm Narrative.
In an obscure YouTube broadcast by Rudy Davis (aka LoneStar1776) on December 13, 2016, Ernie Land, announced that Brady Byrum, a known "sovereign citizen"/"patriot" promoter and leader of Kent Hovind's legal team (though he is not a lawyer or paralegal of any sort), had been secretly working with the Baby Holm parents for weeks, under cover, secretly, in their effort in fighting Cleburne County, AL DHR.
See: https://youtu.be/x2dA_eIItvs?t=24m25s
(Note it is not until after the twenty six minute mark that Baby Holm comes up. I love to listen to Ernie Land and Rudy Davis, but it is an acquired taste not shared by everyone. PJR)
(Note it is not until after the twenty six minute mark that Baby Holm comes up. I love to listen to Ernie Land and Rudy Davis, but it is an acquired taste not shared by everyone. PJR)
In subsequent broadcasts, Rudy Davis announced Brady Byrum's continuing involvement with Kent Hovind's implicit endorsement. Brady Byrum had earlier completed work on a scheme to promote what has become known as Kent Hovind's "False Legal Narrative" and anti-government promotions which can be found at the following website:
Part of the secrecy that surrounded the Baby Holm case before the middle of December involves a 25-page letter that the parents had repeatedly sent to various DHR and State officials as well as elected State representatives, including Jeff Sessions, who has since become the new United States Attorney General.
The parents refused to publish that letter or otherwise discuss its contents. It has only recently been revealed, and reveals clearly the anti-government, anti-DHR influence in the course the parents have taken; a course which can reasonably be said to have guaranteed that a resolution of the custody issue would not be any time soon. In fact, in one report sympathetic to the parents, it was reported that the letter was the cause of DHR determining to suspend the parents visitations with the child for several weeks.
The 25-page letter may be accessed now through a link found in the article about it at:
In further consequence of Ernie Land's announcement, a FaceBook group was established to allow for the "rest of the story", the real story, to be told regarding the Baby Holm case. That group has been, since its founding, effectively used by Cleburne County, AL residents and others interested in the case and interested in the truth to follow the case, present facts, provide rebuttal to the False Holm Narrative, and provide opinions, informed opinions.
The light has come to Cleburne County, AL.
The noise is being made.
It's coming from the "Understanding The Baby Holm Case" FaceBook group found at:
The local, state, and national media would do well to give serious, investigative attention to the Baby Holm case as it bears on a continuing problem with anti-government, anti-child welfare promoters (i.e., "sovereign citizen" and "patriot" groups and individuals and those falsely representing such cases for purposes of seeking a change to child welfare operations of government).
Robert Baty is either a retired IRS agent with a number of obsessions that he follows closely and documents or an agent of the New World Order depending on who you ask.
Peter J Reilly likes the idea of people providing him with content hoping to become the Tom Sawyer of blogging.
Thanks for publishing Mr. Baty's guest article. I have been following this case since November/December myself. I am a licensed Alabama attorney and guardian ad litem, and I originally went to Mr. Holm's #freebabyholm Facebook page with the intention of giving them free legal advice as to the best way to get their child back.
ReplyDeleteI quickly realized they had no interest in doing what it took to accomplish that, and that they were instead promoting some strange agenda of their own (which I later realized was part of the broader sovereign citizen, anti-government movement). Robert Baty quickly noticed that my tone was not of blind belief of what the Holms were trying to espouse, and so he quickly started private communication with me. I have been a member of the Facebook group trying to expose the truth ever since.
We have copies of court filings and other documents that show what is REALLY going on, despite the false narrative that the Holms are trying to espouse. Frankly, I think the Holms fall into the "lie so much you actually believe yourself" category, and at this point they may actually believe they are telling an accurate version of the story.
But with open eyes and logic, it is quite easy to see that they are not being truthful or genuine on their Facebook group. It's not about getting the kid back. It's about promoting the agenda.
You may want to Speak to your FB page Fellow Admin Robert Baty about this COLORADO #18-9-111, section 4.b.II:
DeleteHarassment - stalking. (1) A person commits harassment if, with intent to harass, annoy, or alarm another person, he or she:
e.Initiates communication with a person, anonymously or otherwise by telephone, computer, computer network, or computer system in a manner intended to harass or threaten bodily injury or property damage, or makes any comment, request, suggestion, or proposal by telephone, computer, computer network, or computer system that is obscene; or
h. Repeatedly insults, taunts, challenges, or makes communications in offensively coarse language to, another in a manner likely to provoke a violent or disorderly response.
First time stalking penalties in Colorado can include: FELONY
• 1-5 years in Colorado prison (with mandatory 2-year parole), and/or
• A fine of $1,000-$100,000. AND he contacted a 18 year old girl today and scared her half to death!How much obsessive and creepy can can this man get?
Guess I need more field operatives. I had to find out on my own that Timbo has been back on Peter J Reilly's blog whining about me.
DeleteI have revised the latest proposition that Timbo has presented for our consideration.
Proposition for Discussion (Revised)
On April 17, 2017, Robert Baty
contacted Daria Vredenberg,
an 18 year old woman,
in a private message,
and scared the hell out of her.
- Timbo/Kayla Williams: Affirm
- Robert Baty: Deny
I don't know what all the brouhaha is on this case. It seems that it's a simple matter of the Holms having drunk the sovereignty movement kool aid. I'm familiar with that. The parents either take good legal advice on their case or they go the Uncommon Law route and lose. Why there is a facebook page dedicated to this, I don't know.
ReplyDeleteGood summary, Robert. Marilyn, you didn't state which facebook page you're wondering about the existence of. The answer would depend on which (and if you mean all of them, that doesn't make sense to me).
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteThe name of the facebook page is linked in the article above. I was in the group for only 24 hours and my comments about advocacy were not welcome there because the goal of the group was not about helping the family.
ReplyDeleteMarilyn Yamamoto and I have a history which is archived in the "Understanding The Baby Holm Case" group, as is my exchange with one of her legal heroes, Shawn McMillan.
ReplyDeleteThey have different interests and did not want to take the time to get serious about the Baby Holm case; on the law or the facts.
It just so happens that in response to this article and my note to Marilyn that she consider commenting here, she also sent me a private message as follows:
(Begin quote.)
I'm an advocate for families who want help
to defend themselves in a CPS case. I don't
"get" the reason for the analysis of the
Holm case. The parents have not done the
wise thing to get their child back, so they
will probably not be reunified. End of story.
For me, it's on to the next parents who will
take suggestions and engage with their attorney,
paid or court appointed.
(End quote.)
While we may agree on the ultimate merits of the Holm case, Marilyn clearly has an agenda of her own and likes to trumpet her own history in dealing with such cases. She appears to be involved in several private FaceBook groups where such cases are considered and members are "extremely vetted".
Thank you for allowing Agent Robert Baty a guest appearance.
ReplyDeleteYes, Agent. He's the 'Accidental Education Agent'! In fact he and his merry little band of fact checkers have done more for the south than discovering peanuts can be boiled!
The family Holm came to my attention in December 2016, when a plea for donations to aid a couple, passers through, pregnant, had gone into labor in a tent, in an Alabama park. CPS had taken temporary custody of the child. I got out the checkbook, but before putting ink to paper I did a Google search. That search led to Robert Baty and a whole lot of stuff I knew nothing about!
Dumb. I was dumb.
I've learned that there are humans willing to sacrifice their own to promote a cause. I've got a glimpse into the underground world of the sovereign citizen/patriot movement and how it latches itself onto CPS cases, exploiting parents and children, all in an effort to get out their anti-government rhetoric and propaganda. I've been educated on fake news, fake lawyers and paralegals, tax evaders, fake self appointed cause advocates, fake non profits, hidden income in forms of GoFund accounts, and had a chance to peak into the cyberworld to understand how its all connected and how they spread their anti-government propaganda.
It's alot like the child's nursery rhyme. The one that says, the leg bone is connected to the hip bone, the hip bone to...
Holm led to Kent Hovind, to Rudy Davis, to Brady Byrum, to Ernie Land, and all lead to the sovcit faction that hates government, and all have a foothold in Alabama!
Had I not questioned why two perfectly able bodies parents were defying any attempt towards reunification with their child, I would never had any exposure to what is a very disturbing movement! Parents Holm are not victims, they are willing participants!
I'm not as dumb now, and am grateful for the knowledge. You might say I been schooled!
(Disclaimer:. Robert Baty may not realize he has been promoted. Let's not tell him)
For further insight into Mr. Holm's sovcit frame of mind and apparent lack of any real interest in having his son returned to his custody; his youngest son (Mr. Holm appears to have abandoned his older son), here's one of his recordings released today and involving his discussion with the State of Alabama Attorney General's office:
I am simply more interested in helping innocent families than using my time to analyze this one case where the family obviously doesn't want the help. According to a 20-year veteran of journalism and research on CPS, only 4 of every 100 children in foster care really need to be there. That's my concern and focus for reform. I'm not the only one who has that agenda.
ReplyDeleteThe statistics on CPS cases are the reason why so many Americans shudder about cases like Christian and Danielle Holm. Thank you for wanting to help,Ms. Yamamoto!!!
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAGREED! I joined the group thinking I could help the family, but the discussion there was way in outer space for me, so I left. I just his post in a group that I follow. PM me if you want to connect. I can send you to a reform group created by a para legal.
DeleteTimothy/Timbo Williams is a liar and coward (not an exhaustive description).
Here is the outstanding proposition that no one from the Holm/Schwab/Williams side wants to affirm or deny.
ReplyDeleteIt's taken from the thread referenced above.
The State of Alabama has legitimate, legal
interests in the welfare of individual persons
within its jurisdiction and may assume custody
of such individuals under appropriate circumstances.
- Robert Baty: Affirm
- Timbo Williams: (To Affirm or Deny)
- Raymond Schwab: (To Affirm or Deny)
- Amelia Schwab: (To Affirm or Deny)
- Kayla Williams: (To Affirm or Deny)
- Other (State Name): (To Affirm or Deny)
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHere is the outstanding proposition that no one from the Holm/Schwab/Williams side wants to affirm or deny.
DeleteIt's taken from the thread referenced above.
The State of Alabama has legitimate, legal
interests in the welfare of individual persons
within its jurisdiction and may assume custody
of such individuals under appropriate circumstances.
- Robert Baty: Affirm
- Timbo Williams: (To Affirm or Deny)
- Raymond Schwab: (To Affirm or Deny)
- Amelia Schwab: (To Affirm or Deny)
- Kayla Williams: (To Affirm or Deny)
- Other (State Name): (To Affirm or Deny)
...I love Robert Baty and for first time in my entire life Peter Reilly actually has managed to captured my interest in that nasty word ... taxes!
ReplyDeleteRobert Baty and the New World Order! Someone got that wrong!
Robert is an 'Accidential Education Agent' He may not even be aware of his recent promotion.
I'll let someone else tell him.
Six or seven months ago I went to answer a call for donations to assist a family, passers through Alabama, that had not properly prepared for birth of a child. CPS removed the child temporarily to give them time to prepare appropriate accommodations. Before putting ink on the signature line of a check, I did a bit of research, thus crossing the path with Robert Baty!
You might say I been schooled! In fact there is quite a few in the class.
Robert Baty and his merry band of fact checkers have opened a book I'd never studied before.
I've learned there are people who will without hesitation, sacrifice, family, children, morals, religion, to support a cause! I've learned about the sovereign citizen/patriot movement, which latches onto CPS cases, exploiting both parent and child all in an effort to promote their rhetoric and propaganda. I have learned about tax evaders, questionable non-profits, fake lawyers/paralegals, fake news and reporters, fake advocates that are self appointed tendering dangerous misinformation to the public, and everyone along the way has a GoFund account containing untaxed income! I've even been to the Cyberworld and seen how all these enities communicate to promote their own private agendas, anti-government rhetoric and then merge in the darkness of the internet in support of one another. I have seen the worst the world has to offer in sovcit Utube videos and radio shows that make the stars of that awarding winning movie The Hills Have Eyes, look good.
Trying to understand why the Holm family would willingly sacrifice their child to promote the sovcit cause, was what I started out doing. What I learned along the way is disturbing on many levels, beginning with morals!
It reminds me of the child's nursery rhyme. The one that goes, the leg bone is connected to the hip bone, the hip bone...and you know the rest.
Holm is connected to Brady Byrum, who is connected to Kent Hovind, connected to Rudy Davis, to Ernie Land, and the entire lot is connected to and promotes a foundation of anti-government, sovcit theology.
Sadly, that movement has put its poison in Alabama, and are using CPS cases to spread its idiotic propaganda, not just Alabama, but nationwide.
I didn't write that donation check to parents Holm. Nope. My hard earned money is not going to promote that which I do not believe in.
Really, Robert Baty, 'Accidental Education Agent', deserves a new plaque. We'll get a magnetic one. He can stick it to the high right side of his monitor.
Mr.Reilly I wish you would stop giving this nut a soap box. He stalks peoples, harasses them, taunts them and today he contacted a 18 year old girl in Private message who is under a Gag order and Scared the hell out of her! His two FB pages and his Conspiracy Sovcit Webpage are full of his cyber bully obsessive Bull Shit! What he is doing is Felony in his state and you are giving him credibility for his followers and a forum to commit his felony. COLORADO #18-9-111, section 4.b.II:
DeleteHarassment - stalking. (1) A person commits harassment if, with intent to harass, annoy, or alarm another person, he or she:
e.Initiates communication with a person, anonymously or otherwise by telephone, computer, computer network, or computer system in a manner intended to harass or threaten bodily injury or property damage, or makes any comment, request, suggestion, or proposal by telephone, computer, computer network, or computer system that is obscene; or
h. Repeatedly insults, taunts, challenges, or makes communications in offensively coarse language to, another in a manner likely to provoke a violent or disorderly response.
First time stalking penalties in Colorado can include: FELONY
• 1-5 years in Colorado prison (with mandatory 2-year parole), and/or
• A fine of $1,000-$100,000.
Guess I need more field operatives. I had to find out on my own that Timbo has been back on Peter J Reilly's blog whining about me.
DeleteI have revised the latest proposition that Timbo has presented for our consideration.
Proposition for Discussion (Revised)
On April 17, 2017, Robert Baty
contacted Daria Vredenberg,
an 18 year old woman,
in a private message,
and scared the hell out of her.
- Timbo/Kayla Williams: Affirm
- Robert Baty: Deny
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI am a life long resident of Cleburne County. Until this situation with the Holm baby began, I had no idea this subculture existed. At first I was mildly interested in the news that was being generated. Next came the protest. I was dumbfounded. I then learned about the FB Page #freebabyholm. I quite unexpectedly found comments and threads that included veiled threats, DHR workers and foster parents called kidnappers, child traffickers, and pedophiles.
ReplyDeleteAs I continued to read, I quickly learned the primary tactic being utilized was a scare tactic of sorts. Emotion invoking vocabulary was being specifically chosen to gain sympathy to their cause. This tactic has remained a staple and various others have been added, such as following their creator. But to gain more support they quote parts of the Bible and then by their own admission do not believe Jesus is God's son. The bottom line is the cause (by whatever name you call it) is priority over baby. And, in my opinion any priority that is higher on your list than God and family is child abuse to some decree.
Kent Hovind and his former IT guy Theo are really mixing it up in dueling YouTube performances.
ReplyDeleteI am trying to keep up and provide the references (links) via the article at the following link:
Maureen Peltier, et al, on their way to Heflin, AL?
Tammy Power on Baby Holm
C. Clarke Holm, reputed to be Baby Holm's biological father, whines today as he reports the Grand Jury results.
Baby Holm's Older Brother!
ReplyDeleteSee: http://kehvrlb.com/baby-holms-older-brother
C. Clarke Holm - Sovereign Citizen!
Danielle Holm - Running From The Truth! THE CHALLENGE!
In tonight's Part 5 from Deborah Henderson, she again refers to Brady Byrum's, Kent Hovind's man, involvement in the Baby Holm case; around the 13:00 minute mark as indicated by the following time-marked link:
Danielle Holm - Liar, Liar!
Jonathan Payton - Holm's Hypocrite!
The False Holm Narrative Illustrated May 14, 2017!
False Holm Narrative per Susan Cobb!
False Holm Narrative via Danielle Holm - The Challenge!
Williams & Baty - The Beginning!
C. Clarke Holm - An "Odd" One Indeed!
C. Clarke Holm Performs Sovcit Act at Child Support Hearing!
C. Clarke Holm - The Latest Challenge!
In preparation for the dependency hearing tomorrow, May 23, 2017, Mr. Holm has filed the sovcit silliness document posted at the following link:
Robert BATY is a government school, and probably a pedophile himself. Look at him. What would his interest be in this if he wasn't collecting a paycheck from the pedophile government or collecting a few little children.
DeleteC. Clarke Holm struts his sovcit stuff at dependency hearing; demonstrating once again that having the child returned to them is not on their list of things to get done.
My article on the matter, including Mr. Holm's FaceBook introduction to his secret recording is at:
I'm beginning to think you are wanting custody of this child yourself! Is this baby in your custody? You certainly have an unusual interest in slandering these parents. I believe your a pedo. Why else would you he going to such great lengths to slander these parents and protect the baby trafficking DHR? Are they trafficking them to you ROBERT BATY?
DeleteDanielle Holm - One Stiffnecked Sovcit Sort!
DeleteSusan Cobb - Holm Propagandist-in-Chief!
C. Clarke Holm & Raymond Schwab Joining Forces!
Id venture to say that the child trafficking Alabama DHR has given this baby into the custody of this man because he is way too involved slandering these parents. Robert BATY? Is this baby in your custody?
DeleteC. Clarke/Danielle Holm's just out false testimony.
You look like a creep
DeleteThe Latest from C. Clarke Holm!
The Secret Holm Recordings!
Everyone ask yourself why Robert BATY is sooooo interested in the kidnapping of this child? Perhaps he wants this child? Hos interest doesn't seem natural to me. Do you even have any children you creep?
DeleteC. Clarke Holm Arrives in D.C.!
Anyone who is "anti government" is sought out, and harassed, and their rights are taken away from them. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to look into this government and see why everyone SHOULD be anti government! Ill reference PIZZA GATE, which is the sole reason they took this baby. Our government offials, and elites have developed a taste for sex with children. Not just sex with children, but ritualistic torture and murder of babies as well. Reference spirit cooking. This current satanic government has an insatiable appetite for the detestable practice of raping children, and Putin himself has put a ban on Anyone in the United States adopting Russian children because this government is full of pedophiles. I share Putin's opinion, but they are not just using adoption agencies to obtain and traffick and exploit these children, no, DHR is the biggest provider of children to the detestable worms in office that kill children. They hide under the color of law, and under secrecy, and all you have to do is read up on this, read the letter they sent out, and you will understand why DHR unlawfully ceased the parents contact with the child...because, are you ready? It stated a LONG LIST of constitutional right and laws they had broken by taking this child!! That's why they put them under an unlawful gag order! They don't want the American people finding out that their CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS are now null and void, and if the DHR baby raping pedophile ring wants your baby then there's nothing you can do about it! You don't see anything wrong with this government MR BATY?? Then you are a part of the problem, and you must have some personal interest in this as well because I have seen your links and little plugs all over YOUTUBE trying to dispute the criminal nature of this kidnapping. What's your interest in protecting the government MR BATY? Fat paycheck? Maybe a few little children to molest yourself??
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ReplyDeletehahahhahahah! Such entertainment. Now for the real truth. www.letourbabiesgo.com, magnet:?xt=urn:btih:U3NCK6XTAEZ43K4AYD5PKPSDTU36OBZ4&dn=StolenBabyBusiness (this one will need a bittorrent client as it is on the Tor network and contains full audio of all court transcripts so brace yourself for what you will hear); for those who don't like to read and want pictures - https://www.facebook.com/notes/susan-cobb/perjury-in-cleburne-county-alabama/1822104944467629/?hc_ref=ARSC1LwXR8qfXhrr3eJRy6qvOzGQW06mEpLA1C4c7d9wcZC5jm5I8N8nG9LMBQ1yVDE, The level of harassment this innocent young couple deals with is showcased here - https://www.facebook.com/notes/susan-cobb/maine-arrest-post/1825496040795186/?pnref=story, and finally, since Mr. Baty has done such an excellent job of covering the state's but with damage control (including using many "bots" and trolls to stalk, chase, and even attack the Holms on multiple web sites, pages, even going into the DHR building where their baby was to try to get more information, I made a "bot" in honor of his efforts: https://www.facebook.com/susandunncobb/posts/1911640715516171.
ReplyDeleteThe government is safe from the Holms. They are just an innocent couple who had their baby kidnapped in a national (and global) child-trafficking scheme, but they are not as frightening as you make them seem. I, however, am. Relax, sir. It's all gonna be okay.
You would not know truth if it bit you on the ass Susan Cobb. You are delusional and leaching on to a cause to get attention for yourself and your laughable messes that you call books that you authored.
DeleteI have to agree with Susan. The relentless cyber-bullying by Robert Batty, against this couple - who appear to have a creation-worshiping belief, rather than what others may want them to have, is shocking. I like the question above by Deathto - what interest really, does R Baty have in this very personal case of removing a child from his parents without due process and proper notice?
ReplyDeleteTo terminate parental rights, when the same government had a gag and restraining order against the parents, banishing them from their child, and custody hearings, and fail to properly serve notice upon the parents with reasonable time to defend themselves is un-american. I further seriously doubt any validity in Battys accusations that they are SovCits. (what is a SovCit really other than the new "S" word for those who believe in a responsible govt upholding the Constitutional rights guaranteed them? I thought it was wrong to lump everyone into a group?) Some fat red-headed chick coined that term - and these FORBES contributors use it to self promote their labeling of people. How wrong is that?
As for Batty being a "Christian," I wonder.
Please remind me, when did Jesus stalk, berate, accuse, defame, ridicule, insult, put stones in people's path, or dig pits to destroy them or when did He bully anyone? Jesus was particularly kind to women of the Bible. He was /IS always near the crushed and broken-hearted. If Christians were to do that, what would the devil have to do all day?- nothing. We would all be his already. It is unusual an unrelated 70 yr old man has such a tenacious, unrelenting vengence against these people. That just doesn't seem "Christian" to me. What value has Robert Batty added or how has he helped them? Has he said anything kind or nice to edify them or to this Susan Cobb, or to anyone, who might not agree with his belief? It looks more like a 8 year old's pissing contest with weird and ungodly overtones. Lord, if this is one of Yours - I hope this old cyberbully is convicted of his seething anger towards others he has never met. Corinthians 13:1 "Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not charity, I am become as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal" More so, He DESPISES the arrogant. Satan accuses, Jesus Loves.
Im not sure why Baty picks on those who are already beaten down, except THAT IS what bullies do. They never pick on someone that can defeat them. It makes me wonder what kind of father Baty has/had, and if in fact, the remark by "death" above doesn't have some validity about being involved or pedo tendancies. IRS Agents aren't immune from being creeps. Look at the Turpin dad - who worked for Government contractor - Northrup Grumman which I believe requires a Secret Security Clearance and FBI background check - who chained children to their beds and intentionally malnourished for years How come no cyber bullying and stalking of them? Obvious mental issues and horrible "parenting" but there are no Baty articles on them or picking cyber fights with them. (?)
Since this isn't in agreement with the pedos and modern day slave trader perspective, this remark will soon be deleted. It still needs to be said.
- birdwatcher-