The latest turn in the dispute is Kent calling out the board members of God Quest, including the proprietor of the Drowsy Poet about which links to Creation Today, which is run by God Quest. Kent is asking his followers to contact them.
They have taken up the call over at Lonestar1776 first with Erin Davis scolding Eric Hovind to "STOP STEALING from your own Father NOW! Exo 20:12"
The best part is around 4:40 where Erin voices over Kent with a slapping sound and "Somebody needs a spanking".
Rudy followed up with more detailed instructions about contacting the board members.
I heard from Eric Hovind that God Quest will be responding to any inquiries generated by these videos with the following response.
Thank you for contacting Creation Today. This response is to help with the confusion and misinformation given on a YouTube video posted by Kent Hovind regarding .God Quest, Inc. registered the name “Creation Science Evangelism” as a dba of God Quest, Inc. in 2007 in the state of Florida and has maintained its ownership since that time. (See link below.) In 2015, a new for-profit business was registered in Utah with the name “Creation Science Evangelism.” Then in 2016, a 501(c)(3) not‑for‑profit entity was established and registered on February 23, 2016 in the state of Florida under the title “Creation Science Evangelism Ministry.” (See link below.) These new entities may be what are causing some of the confusion and misinformation to circulate.
Some have asked, “Why does a search in Google for ‘Creation Science Evangelism’ give ‘Creation Today’ as the first result?”Google gives results based on domain authority and page ranking. Creation Today has no control over what website appears first when doing a search for Creation Science Evangelism. The Creation Today website has been ranked by Google as an outstanding website and therefore is the first result when people search for “Creation Science Evangelism.” This Google search will not even bring up the website and therefore Google never directs anyone to .
Some have asked, “Why does a search in Google for ‘Creation Science Evangelism’ give ‘Creation Today’ as the first result?”Google gives results based on domain authority and page ranking. Creation Today has no control over what website appears first when doing a search for Creation Science Evangelism. The Creation Today website has been ranked by Google as an outstanding website and therefore is the first result when people search for “Creation Science Evangelism.” This Google search will not even bring up the website www.CreationScienceEvangelism.
Therefore, any confusion about entity names is because people are searching Google for “Creation Science Evangelism,” not because they are typing in “” Creation Today cannot control what Google does in their page rankings and has never intentionally deceived people to get them to visit our site or donate to the wrong ministry. Our website is very clear in its presentation of who we are and what we do.
Please note that the new 501(c)(3) not‑for‑profit entity established in 2016, “Creation Science Evangelism Ministry,” was informed that the domain matching their name, www.

Kent Hovind has been very clear about the websites that he owns and refers people to: and Both of these websites are listed in the rankings for a word search on “Creation Science Evangelism.” Both direct you to Kent Hovind’s website,
For future reference, please go to to reach Kent Hovind’s website.
Thank you again for your interest and for loving the creation message. Let’s use that message today to impact eternity.
For future reference, please go to to reach Kent Hovind’s website.
Thank you again for your interest and for loving the creation message. Let’s use that message today to impact eternity.
God Quest Inc. registration as Creation Science Evangelism
Filing for new Entity named Creation Science Evangelism Ministry.
Hovindologists will for the most part be just sitting back and munching the popcorn at this latest episode in Real Creationists Of Escambia County (or maybe it is the spinoff Real Creationists of Conecuh County).
For the record I should note that my own son is an administrator on this site and that any time he wants to steal it from me, he is welcome to it. I'd love to have a debate going on the merits of the arguments of the two organizations. I should be better at this stuff than I am but I think it is not accurate to really refer to as a website. Rather it is a URL that points to a website. Also the phrase "confusion and misinformation given on a YouTube video posted by Kent Hovind" seems redundant, but maybe that is just me.
Peter J Reilly hopes to be the first tax blogger to give up his day job.